Thursday, July 10, 2008

Break Up Advice, 3 Tips For Knowing It's Time To Leave

It's at the point in your relationship where you think it may be easier and better to go than to stay. Your looking for break up advice to help you understand which path to take. We all know that even with break up advice, the fork in the road you now face is not an easy decision to make. A broken heart in a relationship can be as painful as a broken heart after a relationship. Here is some break up advice, 3 tips for knowing it's time to leave.

The first tip of break up advice is simple. Are you happy? As human beings, we all have one thing in common. That one thing is the pursuit of happiness. Of course finding it is much more difficult than looking for it. Are you completely miserable in the relationship, or are there still moments of happiness?

The second tidbit of break up advice goes off of the first. Have you done everything you possibly can in order to fix the problems in the relationship? If you haven't, you may be thinking about ending something that has the potential of being incredibly powerful and magical for you. If you haven't done research, learned, and applied as much as you can to fix the relationship, it isn't time to leave.

The third break up advice tip is to make sure that if you do decide to leave because you have done everything in your power to make the relationship better, do it in a mature and responsible way. Sit your partner down and talk to them honestly about how you feel, why you feel that way, and why you are leaving. Without fighting, without blaming. Part as friends if possible. If not, at least don't part as enemies.

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