Thursday, July 10, 2008

Break Up Advice, 3 Tips For Knowing It's Time To Leave

It's at the point in your relationship where you think it may be easier and better to go than to stay. Your looking for break up advice to help you understand which path to take. We all know that even with break up advice, the fork in the road you now face is not an easy decision to make. A broken heart in a relationship can be as painful as a broken heart after a relationship. Here is some break up advice, 3 tips for knowing it's time to leave.

The first tip of break up advice is simple. Are you happy? As human beings, we all have one thing in common. That one thing is the pursuit of happiness. Of course finding it is much more difficult than looking for it. Are you completely miserable in the relationship, or are there still moments of happiness?

The second tidbit of break up advice goes off of the first. Have you done everything you possibly can in order to fix the problems in the relationship? If you haven't, you may be thinking about ending something that has the potential of being incredibly powerful and magical for you. If you haven't done research, learned, and applied as much as you can to fix the relationship, it isn't time to leave.

The third break up advice tip is to make sure that if you do decide to leave because you have done everything in your power to make the relationship better, do it in a mature and responsible way. Sit your partner down and talk to them honestly about how you feel, why you feel that way, and why you are leaving. Without fighting, without blaming. Part as friends if possible. If not, at least don't part as enemies.

3 Break Up Sad Love Poems

Here are 3 break up sad love poems to help you cope with the loss of someone you love. We have all been through a break up, and wanted that person back. Many of us have wondered how we would get through it all. I hope these 3 break up love poems will help you.

The 1st Of Break Up Sad Love Poems:

"With all my will, but much against my heart,
We two now part.
My Very Dear,
Our solace is, the sad road lies so clear.
It needs no art,
With faint, averted feet
And many a tear,
In our opposèd paths to persevere.
Go thou to East, I West.
We will not say
There 's any hope, it is so far away.
But, O, my Best,
When the one darling of our widowhead,
The nursling Grief,
Is dead,
And no dews blur our eyes
To see the peach-bloom come in evening skies,
Perchance we may,
Where now this night is day,
And even through faith of still averted feet,
Making full circle of our banishment,
Amazèd meet;
The bitter journey to the bourne so sweet
Seasoning the termless feast of our content
With tears of recognition never dry."

By: Coventry Patmore

The 2nd Of Break Up Sad Love Poems:

"At the mid hour of night, when stars are weeping, I fly
To the lone vale we loved, when life shone warm in thine eye;
And I think oft, if spirits can steal from the regions of air,
To revisit past scenes of delight, thou wilt come to me there,
And tell me our love is remember'd, even in the sky.

Then I sing the wild song 'twas once such pleasure to hear!
When our voices commingling breathed, like one, on the ear;
And, as Echo far off through the vale my said orison rolls,
I think, oh my love! 'tis thy voice from the Kingdom of Souls,
Faintly answering still the notes that once were so dear."

By: Thomas Moore

"Heart, we will forget him!
You an I, tonight!
You may forget the warmth he gave,
I will forget the light.

When you have done, pray tell me
That I my thoughts may dim;
Haste! lest while you're lagging.
I may remember him!"

By: Emily Dickenson

3 Breakup Advice Tips, Should You Stay Or Should You Go

Here are 3 breakup advice tips to help you decide whether or not you want to stay or leave. Ending a relationship is no easy thing to do, let alone when you love that person. These breakup advice tips will help you decide whether or not you should stay or go.

The first breakup advice tip is to decide whether or not your happy in the relationship. Make a list of all of the pro's and con's of the relationship. List everything in the relationship that makes you happy, and everything that doesn't

The second breakup advice tip is to look at those pro's and con's and decide whether or not the con's can be fixed, and whether or not your willing to try and fix it. Have you done everything in your power to fix the relationship? If you haven't then you may not want to end the relationship yet.

The third breakup advice tip is to end things maturely if you decide it is better for you to go. If it is time to go, and you have to deal with the heartache, there is no need to make it an ugly breakup. Sit down and talk to your partner maturely and honestly about what you feel, think, and why you believe it is time to end it. Without fighting, and agreeing to at least part as friends. If not friends, at least not as enemies.

The first thing you should think about when it comes to breakup advice is to decide whether or not it really is time to end the relationship. If you are asking for breakup advice, chances are god that you aren't ready to end it yet, but you aren't willing to stay with the way things are. Can things be fixed, or is it really time to break ties and move on.

3 Tips For Ending A Bad Relationship

Here are 3 tips for ending a bad relationship. All of us have been at a point in our lives where we wanted to end the relationship we were in. That we would be happier out of the relationship than in it. These tips for ending a bad relationship should help make things easier.

The first tip for ending a bad relationship is to evaluate the situation and come up with a strategy. Everything in life should have a strategy before being executed. Some relationships are bad because the other person is abusive in some shape or form. Other relationships are bad simply because the two people are not good for one another at all. Depending on the person you are leaving, you will need to think about the possibility of abuse.

If the person you are leaving is physically abusive, you really need to think about your escape strategy. It may work best when ending a bad relationship like this to leave when they are not around. To go to the police and get a restraining order, and use a program such as women in transition to help you get away. Be aware of the chance of this person coming after you if you do leave. You need to be able to get out and go some place where you will not be easily found, and have consequences if you are found. This will take courage, and courage is the only way you for you to end it.

The next tip for ending a bad relationship, if it isn't a physically abusive one, is to try and leave the relationship as clean as possible. Sit down and talk about why you are leaving, what went wrong, and the fact that you want to leave without being enemies if you can't agree to be friends. Be mature about it. Yelling, screaming, and fighting won't solve anything. It didn't when you were in the relationship, it won't as you leave the relationship.

The third tip for ending a bad relationship is to agree to disagree. Try to communicate about things and come to an agreement that the two of you just weren't meant to be together. Agree to disagree, and more than anything, agree to speak good of one another after it ends. Ending a bad relationship is never easy, but there is no need to talk poorly of each other after it is over. This only causes more problems. Try and agree that both of you will just tell other people that you were both great people, but you just didn't fit together well. It just wasn't a very good match. This is much better than the rumors spreading around that often times do when a relationship ends.

So when ending a bad relationship, come up with an escape strategy. Your strategy for ending a bad relationship should include the way out, the way you intend to move your things, where you plan on going, and how you plan on getting gout without there being a mess left behind, if possible. When done properly, and maturely, it is possible for ending a bad relationship on a good note.

3 Tips For Getting Over A Relationship.

Heart break is one of the most painful experiences any of us will ever go through, and learning what to do for getting over a relationship is an essential survival skill. Here are 3 tips for getting over a relationship that will help you on your path toward happiness and joy.

The first of the three tips for getting over a relationship is to make sure it is over. Do you really want it to end? Almost all relationships can be fixed, even if it seems hopeless and pointless. Is it possible to fix whatever went wrong in the relationship and make it bigger, better, and stronger than it was before the two of you parted? Many relationships end over things that could have been fixed and worked out and both people are left longing for the relationship again but with no idea how to make it work or how to get it back together and fix the problems.

The second tip for getting over a relationship if there is no hope is to let go. Most of our pain in life comes from the human need to cling to the past or hope for the future. Chances are great that you are constantly thinking about the great times you had, and hoping that you will find someone again in the future to have the same type of great times with again. Let go of the past, and forget the future and live in the now. Right here, right now is what you have. The relationship is gone, so don't hang on to it. The future may never come, so don't long for it.

The third tip for getting over a relationship is to go out and live. Now I am not saying that you should go to the bars and party and become a complete nut, but don't lock yourself away and cry about it. Yes it hurts, but life isn't over. Life will go on regardless of what you do or do not do. So you may as well do something. Go to the mall and shop. Find a hobby you can start doing like dancing, or model planes, or golfing. Anything that you can devote your time and energy to in order to help you feel alive again.

These tips for getting over a relationship are just that, tips. Only you know what will help you move on and let go and get on with your life. I don't know what those things are, but I do know that if you do nothing, nothing will happen and the pain will continue. Visit the website link below in order to find a technique that will help you get rid of the negative emotions in minutes.

Need Help Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back?

Have you recently broken up? Those nights of feeling lonely, not having someone to talk to, to hold, to go places with can make you miserable. Do you need help getting your ex boyfriend back? These tips will help you with getting your ex boyfriend back.

First of all, almost every relationship can be salvaged. You have to start by believing this. It's the first step for getting your ex boyfriend back. We all know couples who broke up over some really horrible stuff, and still got back together.

The next thing to understand about getting your ex boyfriend back is that you can't play as though you are desperate. Sure, your lonely, and almost every song on the radio makes you cry, and you would give anything to have him back, but you can't let him know that. Acting desperate will only push him away more.

You have to avoid begging them to take you back, and especially avoid trying to convince him that he was the love of your life. If that was enough, the two of you would never have broken up in the first place. This only makes you look sad in his eyes.

The most important thing to remember is this. A man doesn't marry a woman for what she looks like. He marries a woman for how she makes him feel. If you broke up, chances are that you didn't quite make him feel the way he wanted to feel.

Here are two more things to completely avoid if you ever hope of getting your ex boyfriend back. Never, ever apologize profusely for everything, and do not promise to "change for good this time." This may be true, and you might be right about it all, however, none of this solves the root problem of why you broke up.

See, getting together, staying together, and getting your ex boyfriend back are all a type of game. The game has specific rules as well a specific way of winning, and losing the game. Understanding how the game is played, and what the aspects of the rules are, (chances are that they are things you never even thought about or considered) will be what it takes if you ever have any chance of getting your ex boyfriend back.

3 Secrets For How To Get Back Your Ex

It completely sucks being lonely. Certain places hurt, and just listening to the radio reminds you of your ex. All you want to know is how to get back your ex. These 3 secrets for how to get back your ex will put you on the right track toward ending that loneliness and getting you back with the person you want to be with.

The first secret is simple. We are all emotional beings, regardless of what we would like to believe. Our emotions effect everything we think, do, and say. If you get anything from this article on how to get back your ex, get the fact that at some point, either you, them, or both of you were not getting what you needed emotionally. Often times it's the smallest of things that make all the difference. The time you did, or didn't, say how important they were to you, or show them how important they were.

It's all about how you make them feel. You need to think about how you made them feel while you were in the relationship if you ever wish to change the fact that they are your ex. This is the first secret for how to get back your ex. Make them feel significant, special, and important.

The second secret is trust and mutual respect. We all know that trust is a huge factor in any relationship. They need to know that they can trust you are going to do your part in the relationship to make things good. We all dream of having a fairy tale type relationship, and trust is the key. You have to be open, honest, and willing to take what each other says. Your ex needs to know what you will, and will not do. Don't make promises you can't, or won't keep.

The third secret is communication and affection. These sometimes go hand in hand. In order to understand how to get back your ex, you need to understand how to communicate. This works on many different level. Your communication needs to show your affection for your ex, but not to the point that you seem desperate and push them away. You have to both communicate to one another about your feelings, thoughts, wants, dreams, hopes, fears, and hurt. If you can't, then you don't stand a chance of getting your ex back.

These 3 secrets for how to get back your ex are not a complete guide. They are not the be all to end all. They will help you get started on your understanding of how to get back your ex, but you have to apply the information and really put yourself in their shoes. Understand where they are coming from and what they are in need of.

3 Secret Tips To Answer How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Are you wondering how to get your ex boyfriend back? Are you tired of feeling lonely, sad, and almost breaking out in tears every time you turn on the radio because every song reminds you of him? These secret to will help answer how to get your ex boyfriend back.

First of all, let's get something straight about how to get your ex boyfriend back. There is no such thing as a relationship that cannot be mended or fixed. We all know couples that broke up over some very serious things, and still got back together a short time later. However, there is a special process and some things you need to understand about how to get your ex boyfriend back if you ever wish to be successful.

The first secret is to understand that a man doesn't marry a woman for what she looks like, he marries her for how she makes him feel. Now you may not be getting married, of course, but we are talking about the same thing. A man wants a woman who makes him feel powerful, special, loved, wanted, and important.

The second secret to understand if you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back is that men need to feel like men. Men need to feel like they are providing, protecting, and the best at what he does. He wants to be able to provide for the people he loves. He also needs to protect those he loves. These are just a few things that helps a man feel like he is powerful and the best at what he does. Every man wants to be the alpha male at anything and every he does.

The third secret tip to understand for how to get your ex boyfriend back is that men are emotional beings also. I know men try to present themselves as strong, tuff, invincible people who aren't hurt or bothered by anything, but they are. The little things that you say, or don't say, effect him. Little remarks can cut a man deep at his core, or make him feel like you are tearing him down in front of other people.

So pay attention to these different aspects of a man's personality and his mind if you ever want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back. How do you make him feel, what do you do to make him feel that way, and what can you do more of, or less of, to make him feel the way he needs and wants to feel.

3 Things You Must Know For How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

Your lonely and life doesn't seem to have the same zest that it used to have. She left you and you want to know how to get your ex girlfriend back. Everything has lost it's color in life, and some days you don't even want to get out of bed. If only you knew how to get your ex girlfriend back.

Here are 3 things you must know for how to get your ex girlfriend back. These little known tips and secrets will get you on the right track toward getting your ex girlfriend back. Use them, apply them, and get results, but understand this is not a fix all. There is still more you must know and do.

Here is the first thing you must know when it comes to understanding how to get your ex girlfriend back. Women are not as superficial as men sometimes are. Sure, they want a man that they are physically attracted to, however, it's not about the looks for a woman as much as it is about everything else. It is more about how you make a woman feel inside than it is about what you do for her and how you look.

The flowers, jewelry, and other things you buy her have nothing to do with those things. You can buy her flowers and physical things, but understand it's not about those things. She is probably your ex right now because at some point you stopped making her feel like she was special and that you thought about her as much while you were apart as she did about you.

Women want to be the center of your world, and they want to feel like they are the center of your world. Even if you look at other women, have your own life, and go out with your friends. She needs you to reassure her that she is the most important, most special, most incredible part of her life.

When trying to figure out how to get your ex girlfriend back, you have to realize that at some point you stopped making her feel special. You have to figure out where you went wrong, and how to fix that if you ever wish to know how to get your ex girlfriend back.

3 Necessary Ingredients For How To Make A Relationship Last

If you want to know how to make relationship last, you must know these three necessary ingredients. If these ingredients aren't in your relationship, and cannot be put into your relationship, you will not be asking how to make relationship last, but how to end it instead.

The first necessary ingredient for how to make relationship last is trust. Your relationship must be completely open and honest. If you cannot trust one another, and depend on each other to tell the truth about everything all the time, you are quickly on a downward spiral. Trust, as we all know, is the corner stone of a successful relationship. You need to know that you can depend on each other all the time, regardless of what is going on.

The second necessary ingredient for how to make relationship last is communication. Many times people do not communicate very well, if at all, and they get upset when people don't understand what they want and need. I don't know how many times, even in my own relationships, someone got mad because I didn't give them what they wanted. The only clue that they wanted it as a small body language cue. You have to open your mouth, and you have to clearly, very clearly, let the other person know what you want.

Imagine walking into McDonald's and just standing at the counter. Then getting mad because no one got you the number 1 you wanted. Relationships are no different. Relationships are no different. If you need more kisses, tell your partner that you need more kisses. If you need more time, tell them. Communicate openly, honestly, and clearly about each others needs and desires.

The third necessary ingredient for how to make relationship last is affection. Affection isn't necessarily sexual. Affection is shown by the way we talk, the way we touch, the way we look at each other. Affection is about those little things that are done to show that you care and love the other person. A note on the table saying how much you care and that you want them to have a good day. Leaving the other person alone when they need some time to themselves. Calling to say I care during your lunch break. These are the keys of affection, and without them, your relationship will not last.

These are the necessary ingredients for how to make relationship last. Without these how to make relationship last ingredients, your on a path toward failure. A relationship is work, and it will fall apart like a car does if it is not worked on. But that doesn't mean it has to be work. It can be an incredible and great experience. My wife and I take every full moon to sit together and recite our vows to one another again. It is a quick and simple process, but it keeps us mindful of the promise we made to one another when we got married.

3 Tips For Overcoming Relationship Break Up

Heart break is one of the most painful experiences any of us will ever go through, and learning what to do for overcoming relationship break up is an essential survival skill. Here are 3 tips for overcoming relationship break up that will help you on your path toward happiness and joy.

The first of the three tips for overcoming relationship break up is to make sure it is over. Do you really want it to end? Almost all relationships can be fixed, even if it seems hopeless and pointless. Is it possible to fix whatever went wrong in the relationship and make it bigger, better, and stronger than it was before the two of you parted? Many relationships end over things that could have been fixed and worked out and both people are left longing for the relationship again but with no idea how to make it work or how to get it back together and fix the problems.

The second tip for overcoming relationship break up if there is no hope is to let go. Most of our pain in life comes from the human need to cling to the past or hope for the future. If there is no hope, then don't worry about it. If there is hope, then don't worry about it. The point with anything in life is that if you don't know what to do about it, there is no point in worrying because there is nothing you can do. If you do know what to do, then don't worry because you will do that thing you can do.

Living in a past that is long gone will only cause you pain. Living in a future that isn't here will only cause you pain. Live in the here and now. What are you doing right now, in this moment, and what do you have to be grateful for right now in this moment.

The third tip for overcoming relationship break up is to go out and live. Now I am not saying that you should go to the bars and party and become a complete nut, but don't lock yourself away and cry about it. Yes it hurts, but life isn't over. Life will go on regardless of what you do or do not do. So you may as well do something. Go to the mall and shop. Find a hobby you can start doing like dancing, or model planes, or golfing. Anything that you can devote your time and energy to in order to help you feel alive again.

These tips for getting over a relationship are just that, tips. Only you know what will help you move on and let go and get on with your life. I don't know what those things are, but I do know that if you do nothing, nothing will happen and the pain will continue. Visit the web site link below in order to find a technique that will help you get rid of the negative emotions in minutes.

3 Tips For Overcoming Relationship Breakup

All of us have been through a breakup at some point in our lives. We have all asked what the best way for overcoming relationship breakup is. It can be one of the most painful and difficult things to do, but overcoming relationship breakup can be dealt with. Here are 3 tips for overcoming relationship breakup.

The first tip for overcoming relationship breakup is to get out and do things. Sitting around moping isn't going to make you feel better. You don't have to start looking for someone else, but get out with friends and do things you enjoy doing. Even if your heart is broken, you don't have to lay down and die.

The second tip for overcoming relationship breakup is to talk about how you feel. Talking about our problems won't make them go away, but a good friend who will listen to us is a very valuable asset. Talking about our feelings will help you deal with those strong emotions.

The third tip for overcoming relationship breakup is to let go. Write a good bye letter, even if you don't send it. The quicker you let go and say good bye to the whole situation, the quicker you will get over it and move on with your life.

These tips can help you with overcoming relationship breakup, but time is always the best healer of any wound. These tips are only meant to help you speed up the process. If you want a super powerful technique to end overcome the pain in minutes and really help you overcoming relationship breakup, follow the link at the end of this article.

3 Necessary Questions To Ask Before Ending A Relationship

We have all gotten to the point where we wondered if we should stay or if we should go. Here are some necessary questions to ask before ending a relationship. These will help you decide which fork in the road you should take. Be honest with these questions to ask before ending a relationship.

The first of questions to ask before ending a relationship is whether or not there is any chance of you being happy in the relationship. We are all on the same path in life, and that is to find a piece of happiness in our little corner of the world. Are there still parts of the relationship that make you happy, or are you completely miserable all the time. If there is still some happiness in the relationship and you don't completely hate one another, things can be salvaged.

The second of questions to ask before ending a relationship is whether or not the two of you have done everything in your power to make it work, and still failed. Chances are extremely good that you haven't done everything you can to make it work. Often times, people don't know what to do in order to make a relationship work. This lack of knowledge is often times a big reason for failure.

The third of questions to ask before ending a relationship is whether or not your relationship is an open and honest relationship with trust. Is there communication, and the ability to take what the other person says regardless of whether or not we like it. Is there affection in the relationship. These are necessary corner stones of the foundation of a healthy relationship. Without them, you most likely should leave unless there is a way to build and fix them. Without any one of these three aspects of a relationship, a relationship begins down a path that cannot be corrected.

Are There Reasons To Break Up?

All of us have been in relationships that have gotten to the point that made us wonder what the reasons to break up are. Whether or not we should move on, or stay, and which path we should choose. Instead of asking for reasons to break up, I would urge you to ask the following questions instead.

The first question to ask is whether or not you really want to break up. Even if there are reasons to break up, does your heart tell you that you really want to stay? If you can't say that you want to leave for certain, then chances are good that your relationship can be salvaged, and probably should.

So the question isn't what the reasons to break up are, but instead, how can things be fixed so that the relationship can be stronger and better. What are the areas of the relationship that need to be worked on.? What do you need to do in order to fix the relationship better? What does the other person in your relationship have to do to help you?

I see some relationships that are horrible, to say the least. It becomes a cycle that needs to be broken. She tells him, with a snappy tone, to make his own darn food. In return, he attacks her back in order to defend himself. This slowly builds until neither person can stand to be near each other.

Has something been done that cannot be dealt with or undone? This may be one of the reasons to break up. Most of the time, relationships fail because of the little things that are forgotten. Once the magical feel that was there when the relationship first started fades, what do both of you do to keep that spark in the relationship.

Instead of asking what the reasons to break up are, start asking what can be done to repair the relationship before you have to break up. If you are asking what the reasons to break up are, I would bet that you aren't ready to end it yet, and would rather figure out how to fix the problems in the relationship and make the relationship better.

Some Relationship Problem Advice That Can Save Your Relationship

If you are reading this, I am assuming that the relationship you are in is not making you happy, but you aren't willing or ready to walk away. You simply need some relationship problem advice to help fix things.

The first thing we need to talk about is communication. Are you clear about what the problems are, not just yours but your partners, and are you able to communicate those problems clearly without fighting about it. Both of you need to be able to communicate what you are feeling and thinking and what you are lacking in the relationship clearly. Most importantly, you need to come up with a strategy for solving those problems together as a team.

The second thing you need to do is try and put yourself in your partners shoes. You have to be able to empathize with their situation as well. What are they thinking and feeling and going through. It's possible that something as simple as stress at a job that gets carried home that can be the problem. This is one of the hardest things for people to understand when it comes to relationship problem advice. They only want to express their side of the story and want the other person to listen. They don't want to take the time to understand where their partner is coming from as well. But you must.

There is no problem in any relationship that can't be fixed, if both parties are willing to do the work. The greatest of all relationship problem advice is to learn to listen. God gave us two ears and one mouth so that we would listen more than we talk. If you can't communicate what you are thinking and feeling and what the problems are, and come together to work on them, then you are doomed. Communicate, and communicate clearly and often with one another. Let each other know where you stand and what is going on and where you each think you are in terms of progress. This is the only relationship problem advice you really need. Nothing will ever get accomplished if you aren't open, honest, and able to communicate with one another.

10 Sad Break Up Love Quotes

At some point in all of our lives, there comes a time when we lose the one we love and we have to figure out how to deal with it. These 10 sad break up love quotes will only help, they will not heal. Only time can heal, and no number of sad break up love quotes will fix that.

1st sad break up love quotes:

"The loss of love is not nearly as painful as our resistance to accepting it is."
~Tigress Luv

2nd sad break up love quotes:

"Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop."

" Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there."
~Otomo No Yakamochi

" It takes a couple seconds to say Hello, but forever to say Goodbye."

"I can do without you, My Love, in all but two ways:
1. Sleep without you by my side.
2. Wake without you by my side."
~Tigress Luv

"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."

"Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew."

"You don't die from a broken heart - you only wish you did."

"Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable."
~Wizard of Oz

"The hardest part of dreaming about someone you love is having to wake up."

2 Sad Love Break Up Poems

A broken heart is a horrible thing, and losing someone we love and care about rip us apart. Some times sad love break up poems can help us deal and get through. Here are 2 sad love break up poems to help ease the pain.

1st Of Sad Love Break Up Poems:

"I have loved flowers that fade,
Within whose magic tents
Rich hues have marriage made
With sweet unmemoried scents:
A honeymoon delight—
A joy of love at sight,
That ages in an hour—
My song be like a flower!

I have loved airs that die
Before their charm is writ
Along a liquid sky
Trembling to welcome it.
Notes, that with pulse of fire
Proclaim the spirit's desire,
Then die, and are nowhere—
My song be like an air!

Die, song, die like a breath,
And wither as a bloom;
Fear not a flowery death,
Dread not an airy tomb!
Fly with delight, fly hence!
'Twas thine love's tender sense
To feast; now on thy bier
Beauty shall shed a tear."

By: Robert Bridges

"When as the rye reach to the chin,
And chopcherry, chopcherry ripe within,
Strawberries swimming in the cream,
And school-boys playing in the stream;
Then O, then O, then O my true love said,
Till that time come again,
She could not live a maid."

By: George Peele

Are You Asking, "Should I Break Up With My Boyfriend?"

No one can ever answer a question like this for you. Of course there are friends and family who will try, but only you can answer the question, should I break up with my boyfriend. The answer to should I break up with my boyfriend is never an easy one to come by, however, this little article should help.

The real question isn't should I break up with my boyfriend, but instead, am I willing to try and save the relationship. Obviously you are at a point where you can't take much more and don't have any idea what to do in order to fix things.

At the same time, you are at a point where you aren't yet ready to walk away. So maybe it's time to focus on the question "how do I fix and improve my relationship" instead of "should I break up with my boyfriend."

There are a couple things that every relationship needs in order to survive. The first is trust. Without trust, no relationship will make it. This goes well beyond not cheating. Your boyfriend should be your best friend, and in order to have a best friend, both of you need to be completely open and honest about everything and anything. Even those things that might hurt. It is better to know the truth than it is to try and live and keep a lie.

The second thing that is necessary in a relationship is communication. If you need some time alone, you have to communicate that. Especially when talking to a man. You can horse play and joke with him when you need attention while he is focused on his work, or a hobby, or whatever it is he is doing. You have to out right tell him that you need some time, and you would like him to give you some attention.

The third thing that all relationships need is affection. Affection is not necessarily sex. It can be something simple such as a little note on the table telling him, or her, that you love them and are thinking about them. Getting them a towel when they get in the shower. Affection is a showing of love and caring for another person.

Without these ingredients, your relationship is on a rocky road, most likely leading toward a cliff. There are other things that you should know about in order to save your relationship, but this will help. If you really are ready to leave and can honestly say yes to the question of should I break up with my boyfriend, then do what is best for you. If not, then you should start thinking about how you can fix your relationship.

3 Signs Of A Bad Relationship

There are a few signs of a bad relationship that you should look out for. I am talking about signs of a bad relationship that can be fixed. If you are in an abusive relationship, be it physical, mental, or emotional abuse, you should seek professional help and get out. Organizations such as women in transition and many others can help you remove yourself from the relationship as well as protect you and your children, if children are involved.

These signs of a bad relationship are more like guide posts. If these signs show up in your relationship, they are cues that things need to change if the relationship is to last and work.

The first of the three signs of a bad relationship is communication. If the two of you do not talk to each other as much as you did, it means you are starting to drift. This also goes for the two of you not communicating about the stress in your lives such as your jobs, or things that each other do like you used to. The less you talk, the further apart you will grow.

The second of the signs of a bad relationship is to look at how much the two of you do together. If each of you are starting to have more of you own lives, than a life together, things are moving in a bad direction. This doesn't mean the two of you shouldn't have your own friends, hobbies, and time apart. However, if the two of you do much more without one another than you do with one another, you are again starting to drift and this distance in the relationship will create the ability to have distance out of the relationship.

The third of the signs of a bad relationship is simple. How do you interact when you relate to one another. Is there affection, connection, and happiness between the two of you when you are together. Even if those times that you are together are far and few in between because life get's in the way. Or, is there tension, anger, and aggression toward one another? The less you enjoy being together because it usually ends in distance, the more distance there is in your relationship.

These are just signs of a bad relationship, but not necessarily the end of a relationship. Sometimes love isn't enough, but if there is love, there is always hope.

Here Are 3 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

Have you broken up lately? Is there a spark of hope within you that you might get back together? Do you need to know a few signs your ex wants you back? Do you need to know how to put the odds in your favor so that your ex will take you back? Then you must read these 3 signs that your ex wants you back!

The first thing we need to discuss is the fact that no relationship is out of reach. We all know couples that broke up over some horrible stuff, and yet they still managed to get back together. There is a "science" so to speak, of getting back together. These are some signs your ex wants you back. Of course, these aren't all of the signs, but they are a good start for you.

The first of signs that your ex wants you back is that they haven't found anyone else yet, and to the best of your knowledge, they aren't really looking. If they aren't over you yet, they won't move onto the next person.

The second of signs that your ex wants you back is that they still want to be friends. If they were completely done with you, they wouldn't bother at all. They would be to busy getting on with their life. Chances are good that they still want the relationship, just not the way it was. There was something they needed fixed, even if they don't know what it is, but don't want the relationship to end.

The third of signs that your ex wants you back is jealousy. Does he or she parade other people around in front of you in order to try and make you jealous? I know this is in contrast to the first sign, however, some people will do this on purpose even though they have no intention of being with someone else. If you are the person who parades people around, does your special someone get jealous. Please realize that this is a dangerous tactic. Don't go out and do it simply because you read it in this article.

These are just a few signs that your ex wants you back. There are other tell tale clues that your ex wants you back that you should know about.

Here Are A Few SMS Break Up

Looking for some sms break up sayings you can use? Here is a nice little collection of sms break up sayings that you can use any way you like. Enjoy!

"I heard someone whisper ur name, but when I turned around to c who it was, I notice I was alone, then I realize it was my heart telling me that I MISS YOU."

"Luv will fly if held too lightly. Love will die if held too tightly. How should I hold u. How do I know if I'm still keeping you or I'm letting go."

"I hide my tears when I say your name but the pain in my heart is still the same. Though I smile and seem care free theres no1 who misses u more than me!!"

"Sending you a hug to ease your stress. A kiss to make you smile and my heart to say I'm thinking of u. I miss you."

"4getn u is hard 2 do, 4gtn me is up2 u, 4gt me not, 4gt me neva, but don't 4get, we're gr8 2gether."

"I hate you, you hate me, what are we waiting for? Let's do it."

"How can I put this... forget I exist?"

"You're right, I am a lying whore. I lied, size DOES matters."

"The only thing worse than being alone, is being with you."

"Have I told you lately how much I am in love with you??? No?? Feel free to take the rest of your life to think about it."

"If I get scared,wld u hold me tight?If I make a mistake,wld u make it rite?If I build a fire,wld u watch over e flame?If I say i miss u,wld u feel e same?My eyes R hurting coz I can't C U, My arms R empty coz I can't hold U, My lips R cold coz I can't kiss U but, My heart is breaking coz I'm not with U!"

The 3 Stages Of A Healthy Relationship

Though there is no specific science to the development of a relationship since no 2 people are alike, there are certain stages of a healthy relationship. Like a car, a relationship takes work and it has to be maintained if you want it to work properly. However, it doesn't have to feel like work. Pay attention to the stages of a healthy relationship and your relationship will flourish.

The first of the stages of a healthy relationship is trust. Every relationship has to start with openness and honesty. That doesn't mean that you have to spill your guts about every thing at the very beginning, but you both have to be able and willing to communicate openly and honestly. Even if that honesty is that you aren't comfortable talking about that yet.

Trust is the foundation of any and all relationships. Openness and honesty is the start of trust. Trust is the ability to depend on someone all the time, every time, and to know what you can't count on them for. Each of you has to keep your word and do what you say you will do when you say you will do it. Without trust, nothing else matters in a relationship. It is more than just telling the truth and not cheating. It's a sense of dependability. This is the most important of all the stages of a healthy relationship.

The second of the stages of a healthy relationship is communication. How well do you communicate with one another, and how well do you understand each others communication. That includes listening. Communication is more than just saying stuff. It is your ability to clearly communicate your needs, desires, wants, and necessary aspects of the relationship. What is good for one person may not be for the next.

The third of the stages of a healthy relationship is affection. How do you relate to one another. Many people confuse sex with affection, and sex is a part of it, but it is such a small part it is barely noticeable. Affection is how you relate to one another, and the things that are done to show compassion, love, and concern.

Affection could be as small as getting the towel out for your partner when they get a shower. This is a necessary step in the stages of a healthy relationship. The small things show the other person that you care and are thinking of them and that they are important to you. Without affection, a relationship is on a quick path toward failure.

These are just a few cues for the stages of a healthy relationship. There is much more to learn about a healthy relationship if you wish to have one. Just as you would study business strategies to become a ceo of a company, you should study the aspects of a relationship in order to have a healthy relationship.

3 Teenage Break Up Poems To Help You Get Through

We have all been through a break up and have had our hearts broken. The hardest part is getting through each day until the pain ends and goes away. Here are 3 teenage break up poems to help you deal and get through. Enjoy these teenage break up poems, I hope they help.

"What is this feeling I have?
I seem to love you
But other times I seem to loathe you

I can't be without you
Or maybe just without anyone
I think about you all the time
But why do I have this feeling?

I long for your voice
And I would die to hear your laugh
But is this love
Or merely lust?"

by Gary R. Hess

"Shattered heart forced to heal
as greatness unveils thine soul.
Hope whispered in the distance,
to recover thine lost love.

'Tis night brings tender passing,
healing thine soul with glorious blunder.
Caus' not one or two,
but dissipated nights of dreams.

Sadness comes to end,
happiness conquered hate.
Love sprouting -- sadness shrinking,
hope has come again."

by Gary R. Hess

"Take this kiss upon thy brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow—
You are not wrong, to deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand—
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep—while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"

By: Edgar Allan Poe

4 Troubled Relationship Poems

Here are 4 troubled relationship poems. All of us have been at a point in our lives where we didn't know whether we should stay or go. Remember that the only things lost in life are those things we let go of and give up on. Hopefully these troubled relationship poems will help you feel better, and maybe even help you find some direction to go with your relationship.

1st Troubled Relationship Poems - If Only It Could Be

By: Unforgettable

"I could say a thousand words
but they would all be senseless
I could set free a thousand birds
but that would just be careless

If only it could be
that you loved me
I would not have to say these things
I would just use love's wings
to fly so high
across the sky
to never ending bliss"

2nd Troubled Relationship Poems - How I Wish I Could Turn Back Time

By: Bonnie L. Sewell

"How I wish I could turn back time
To the days when he was mine.
To the days when our hearts were one,
When our clocks of love had just begun.

How I wish I could turn back time
To when his love seemed like a crime,
When he held me tight for o' so long,
When his voice was my favorite song.

But the hands of time cannot go back,
And I must learn to face the fact.
His new life has no room for me;
Yet, still I love him... Secretly."

3rd Troubled Relationship Poems - Seasons Of Love

By: Pamela Jeffries

"When tender leaves are budding green
and all is new...
remember me.
I'll think of you with heavy heart...
emotion, yet unseen.

And come the summer's starry night
when roses bloom
and life is sweet in Nature's womb,
I'll wish for you
'till darkness fades to light.

And when the green has turned to gold,
the leaves will fall
as tinted tears,
my soul will call across the miles,
its secret love, untold.

For when the earth is cold and bare
and all is white
with winter's snow,
the fire's light will blaze in eyes
that whisper still... "I care"."

4th Troubled Relationship Poems - Fear

By: Thomas Lynn Barnes

"I am afraid
To do
Or say
The wrong thing
Afraid to chase
You away

I fear
Not knowing
You care
Or won't
Is your silence
You love me
Or because
You don't

I fear
That you fear
And with us both at odds
We work ourselves apart
When we could work together
And make of ourselves one heart

What a pity it would be
If this were so
If in our fear
We lose the chance
To let our feelings show

Fear is the little death
That kills in fits and starts
Keeps us from being true
To ourselves
And keeps darkness in our hearts

Look within and conquer fear
Kill the seeds it's sown
Know that I will be here
And earn what lovers own"

3 Tips To Understanding Women In Relationships

Regardless of what people would have you believe, women can be understood. There are only a few things that you need to understand about women in relationships. These 3 tips will help you to make her happier and to be more successful and joyful in your relationships.

The first tip for understanding women in relationships is that women are very up and down. Women are like a roller coaster when it comes to emotion, decisions, and every area of their life. Women also want a man who is firm. That is why women go for the men who treat them horribly. They know what to expect from that type of man and he will always let her know where he stands.

The second tip for understanding women in relationships is that they need to feel special and important. They need to feel like they are the most important and special person in your world, especially when it comes to women. If you aren't taking the time to do little things to let her know you are thinking about her, especially when you are apart, she will hit one of those emotional roller coasters. Do yourself a favor, make sure you are leaving notes, calling her on your lunch break, and wrapping your arms around her as she does the dishes.

The third tip for understanding women in relationships is that they want security. Women want to at least feel secure in their relationship. This comes out in many different ways. Some women will stay with men that are horrible for them if that man is able to provide for them financially. For some women this is security. If you want to keep a woman be sure to provide mental and emotional security. She wants you to listen when she needs to talk, and that's all. Don't try to solve their problems, because they don't want you to solve their problems. Just provide the security by listening and being able and willing to solve it if she needs.

Here is a secret tip for understanding women in relationships. Women may think the nice guy is a great man, but nice guys finish last because that doesn't turn a woman on. A woman wants a man who can do them mentally. They want a man who will not always give them what they want, and won't be predictable for when he will and won't give her what she wants. She doesn't want a man who will bow down and kiss her shoes, all the time.

A woman wants a man who can keep her on her toes mentally. She likes the game, and the challenge. This doesn't mean you should manipulate or use her or play games with her, but instead, that you should be able to give her the game she wants to play mentally. If you want to know about understanding women in relationships, understand their psychology and their needs.

3 Tips On Ways To End Relationships Without Disaster

Everyone has been at the point in their relationship where they weren't sure if they should stay or if they should go. Once we decide to go, the real question is what the ways to end relationships without it being a complete disaster are. It can be easy to leave a battle field behind when we go, and none of us want it to be an all out fight and brawl. Here are tips on ways to end relationships without complete disaster.

The first tip on ways to end relationships without disaster is to make sure you want to go. It can be even more devastating to you and the other person if you go, but don't really want to go. Sending mixed signals will only break your heart, and their heart even more than staying ever could.

The second tip on ways to end relationships without disaster is to be mature about everything. Fighting, screaming, yelling, and arguing about everything won't make anything better, and it certainly won't solve any problems. There will be a lot of hurt and heartache and a feeling of being abandoned. Sit down and talk to them about how you feel, why you feel that way, and why you believe that leaving is the best option for both of you. Try to part on good terms, or at least neutral terms if that isn't possible. There is no need to part as enemies, even if you don't part as friends.

The third tip on ways to end relationships is be willing to listen. Chances are good that you weren't perfect in the relationship either. You have to be willing to listen to your flaws in the relationship as well. This does two things. The first thing it does is allow the other person to get things off of their chest as well, and maybe even realize that breaking up is the best thing. The second thing it does is give you feedback on the things you might want to work on so that your next relationship can be better.

As an extra tip, these things that are discussed when breaking up need to be listened to by both of you. If these issues would have been talked about and worked out in the relationship, you wouldn't be here trying to find ways to end relationships, but instead would be watching a movie and laughing with one another. Everything is a learning experience. Use even those bad experiences as a chance to learn and grow.

When To Break Up With Someone Your Living With

We have all been at a point when we had to ask when to break up with someone your living with. All of us have been through heartache and heartbreak. Though there is no exact science or specific answer to when to break up with someone your living with, here is some advice to help.

First of all, I would start by saying that I believe you are torn between staying and leaving if you are asking the question of when to break up with someone your living with. If you were certain it was time to leave, you wouldn't be asking that question. However, if the relationship was going well, you wouldn't be asking when to break up with someone your living with either.

The first place I would have you start is to think about the good and the bad aspects of the relationship. What is it you want, need, and enjoy about it. At the same time, make a similar list of the things in the relationship you don't like. The wants and needs you have that aren't being provided for.

Once you look at these lists, you can begin to see where the relationship is, at least from your stand point. Then you can decide whether or not you want to work on those things that you aren't getting, or at least talk to your partner about them and try to work on them, or if it would be better and easier for you to leave.

If you haven't done everything in your power to try and fix those problems, then it may not truly be time to leave yet. Something about that person pulls your heart strings if you moved in with them. Is the relationship able to be fixed. Once you take the time to look at the pro's and con's of the relationship, and have done your part to fix everything, then you will be able to answer when to break up with someone your living with.

Why Do Women Break Up With Men? Read This Before You Do Anything Else!

Why do women break up with men? There are a few basic needs that women have, and if you fail to meet those needs, you will surely lose her. This article will help you answer the question, "why do women break up with men?"

There are a few basic needs that women have, and if not met, will move on to find someone who can give them those needs. Understand those needs, fill those needs, give her what she wants, and you will never have to ask why do women break up with men ever again.

The first thing you need to understand about why do women break up with men is that women are emotional beings. The need, and want to feel special in every way. They want to believe that they are the center of their man's world. A little phone call during your lunch break, or getting her a towel when she gets a shower will go a long distance.

Women need to feel important in your life, and to you. I promise, fail to touch her when she least expects it, tell her how much she means to you when she doesn't think it's coming, fail to let her know through small things how special she is to you, and she will be leaving before you can blink. Why do women break up with men? This is one of the biggest reasons.

Always remember that people don't get married because of how someone looks, but how that someone makes them feel. Often times men are far to selfish and don't focus enough on the woman in his life. I recently had a child and I was amazed to hear the nurses tell me how disconnected 99% of the fathers were from their children right off the bat.

This is a perfect example of why do women break up with men. Many men will go to work, come home, spend a minute or two with their child, kiss their girlfriend or wife, and plop down in front of the television. Sure, you had a long day and I have no doubt you are tired. However, you must take the time for everyone in your life regardless of how tired you may or may not be.

Make her, and the things that are important to her, important to you. Why do women break up with men? Because those men don't make them feel like they are special. Like they are someone significant in this huge world. Make her feel like she is a movie star, or a queen, or the most important person alive, even if all of that is only to you, and you will never ask the question why do women break up with men ever again in your life.

3 Secret Tips To Win Your Ex Girlfriend Back

By now you are tired of the lonely nights, the deep rooted sadness, and every song on the radio reminding you of her. These secret tips to win your ex girlfriend back will get you back on track and moving in the right direction to be with her again and end all those horrible feelings. Use these tips to win your ex girlfriend back, but realize that it is a process, not a magic bullet.

First of all, there is no relationship that cannot be fixed. We all know couples that broke up, and it seemed like the end, but got back together not long after. First, realize that these secrets are huge keys to understand in order to win your ex girlfriend back, but this is a process. You have to understand the process and you have to work the process.

The first secret tip is that women are emotional beings. This is nothing new to you I'm sure, but hear me out. Women relate to the world through their emotions, and relationships are no different. You need to make a woman feel special, amazing, and as though she is the most important person in the world, especially your world.

The second secret is that you get to a woman's emotions through her mind. You must be able to stimulate a woman's mind on a regular basis. Keep her guessing. Women get comfortable, and they get bored. If you can't keep her mind stimulated, you can't keep her. This works for figuring out how to win your ex girlfriend back also. Some where you stopped stimulating her mind.

The third secret tip to win your ex girlfriend back is simple. The little things. The smallest of things matter to women. Tucking her in at night, or calling on your lunch break. Remembering something small she said three months ago, and using that something when she least expects it. As soon as you forget the little things, you can forget about her.

These secret tips will not only help you win your ex girlfriend back, but keep her once you do. Think about how you failed to touch her emotions, stimulate her mind, and how you failed to use the little things to do both, and do them. Now don't be obsessive, that will only push her away more. But start using them properly, and you will be well on your way to win your ex girlfriend back.